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Putting Seaweed into Your Life - Everyday

For Your Health. For the Planet.



Watch this space as we launch into new applications in skincare and medical ingredients.

Setting New Global Standards with Innovation and Sustainability at the Core

Our mission is to improve human health and wellness from a platform of exciting new marine molecules from our unique seaweed cultivation process. Our seaweed production has one of the highest nutrient and CO2 regenerative powers , and traceble production of large amounts of bioactive molecules that we refine through our processing.

An integrated bioremediation platform that reverses the nutrient inefficiencies from food production systems, and can support industry supply chains to progress their SDGs.

Our technology can integrate with CO2 and nutrient waste from any food production system. These lost flows from food production would otherwise be wasted and end up creating overfertilised oceans. We can help companies to account for and quantify improvements to their supply chain and planetary footprint.

We are exploiting the power of nature to naturally produce biologically complex molecules from the regeneration of simple molecules by seaweed in the sun.

Nature has already engineered the most powerful solutions and molecular design on the planet. At PhycoLife we simply respect and harness that gift. We learn where and how these molecules can have the biggest impact in helping humans, while humans learn to help the planet. The future has to be a solution of everybody wins to do it better.

We discovered that our seaweed is the only plant based source that can replace the function of hyaluronic acid in human tissue.

Seaweed for
a Better Planet and Healthier People

Over 20 years ago, Pia was motivated to design sustainable solutions to marine food production. She found that seaweed was the missing link in creating a circular economy food production from the oceans. But not only that, the moleucles that were created inside the seaweed revealed held so many solutions for human health.

THANK YOU to all of our new investors!

Although we have now closed the crowd equity investment - we are keeping the video alive to keep the inspiration and future vision there as we create new updates.

Let’s build a better future together

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